The Fargo Film Festival is proud to announce our official program of student films for 2016. Congratulations to this outstanding group of moviemakers.
Winner Best Student Film
Olilo (Ao Li)
Honorable Mention
Family Unit (Zachary Marion)
Jewish Blind Date (Anaelle Morf)
Official Selections
Bed Bugs and Company (Serena Dykman)
The Bench (Cameron Burnett)
Blake Chandler: Psychic Investigator (Elran Ofir)
The Cart (Patrik Ericsson)
The Discovery of Alan Hindley (Alan Fortenbacher)
Don’t Touch Me (Tyler Loosen and Aaron Theun)
Eggplant (Yangzi She)
Kaleidoscope (Catherine Dubeau)
Life and Times (Caleb Stumpfl)
Lucky Numbers (Chester Milton)
Man Under the Moon (Maria Sevilla and Claude Kerven)
My Spicy Grandma (Tianwei Wang)
A Night in the Show (Gabriela Brigagao)
Percussion (Dominic Paczkowski)
Schoolcraft (Adam Nelson)
Sea Child (Minha Kim)
Smut (Tom Sveen)
Starman (Josema Roig)
Wasteworld (Andrea Niada)
Welcome (Serena Dykman)
Where We Stand (Kristine Stolakis)